Staff Spotlight: January 2019

Staff Spotlight: Dave Bott



What jobs have you held at the YMCA?
Lifeguard/swim instructor/swim coach/volunteer for the Metrowest YMCA
Director of Competitive Swimming for Y of Greater Nashua Storm

What was your favorite grade in school and why?
I’d say, without a doubt, my senior year of high school. I found my eventual college major (TV Production), directed the first-ever live broadcast from our school’s television studio (our live morning news show that has since gone on to win National HS Emmy awards), was captain and MVP of the Bay State Conference Champion Framingham Flyers Boys’ Swim & Dive team, and started to truly dive into my own individuality without reservation or fear.

Where can we find you when you’re not at the Y?
As of 3 weeks ago, you can find me exploring my new city (just moved to Lowell) and what it has to offer. Generally, you may see me running on the side of the road or (if you are lucky) may catch me with a mic in my hand at a trivia or karaoke night.

What color best describes you and why?
While my favorite color is green, I would say that I am best described by the spectrum of colors in the rainbow—lots of radiance, energy, and variety that aims to comfort all.

What’s your favorite sport to play? Favorite spectator sport?
My favorite sport to participate in is swimming (I still like to compete from time to time) though I have recently found a love for distance running as well. In terms of being a spectator, I have been a lifelong basketball fan. Watching the Celtics was a family event growing up and you can still find me screaming at the TV when the boys in green play.

Do you have a hobby? If yes, what is it?
I am very into live entertainment (comedy, music, theatre, etc) and feel an intense energy whenever I am attending a live event. A dream of mine would be to someday get on stage and perform stand-up comedy.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?
It used to be Christmas, but it has evolved over the years into Thanksgiving. I mean, what’s better than family, food, football and naps? J

If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
My dream destination has always been the Caribbean and I was fortunate enough to live the dream and call the Cayman Islands my home for 4 years. There’s nothing more peaceful and calming than the sight of light blue oceans and the sound of the water lapping the shores.