
NinjaZone Unmask Your Inner Ninja


NinjaZone is a fusion of obstacle course training, gymnastics, parkour, and character building. These programs are the foundation of whole-body movement and the mind-body connection. A progressive level system evaluates and advances children in their skill and knowledge of core values as described in the NinjaZone creed. Children build strength, agility, and learn at their own pace.

Westwood Park YMCA
90 Northwest Boulevard, Nashua, NH 03063


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NinjaZone Lil NinjaLIL NINJAS

Age Groups: 3-5 (with Parent) and 4-5

Lil Ninja is the entry level to the all-new sport discipline inspired by gymnastics, martial arts, obstacle training, and freestyle movement. Lil Ninja teaches invaluable skills like body awareness and coachability, giving your child the tools they need to excel.

Class Goals: Listening skills, confidence, trying new things, working through frustration, and manners. We do all this through a strategic mix of skills and progressions.



NinjaZone Challenge Yourself Challenge OthersNINJAS

Age Groups: 6-9, 10-14 and 13-16

Children learn a combination of flips, rolls, jumps, and kicks. Strength and agility are tested through obstacle courses and various training techniques. A progressive level system evaluates and advances children in their skill and knowledge of core values as described in the NinjaZone creed. Children advance and learn at their own pace.

Class Advancement: The levels of NinjaZone are defined by the headband colors of White, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.



NinjaZOne Turn After School Activities Upside DownWEEKLY CLASSES

Through the combination of the discipline from martial arts, coordination from gymnastics, strength and agility from obstacle training and creativity of parkour, NinjaZone classes will excite, enrich and connect children with their peers and self. Classes will aim to progress your child through NinjaZone activities as they achieve new goals and milestones through the different levels of class advancement.

NinjaZone Mission CeremonyMISSION CEREMONY

The Mission Ceremony is the official event that allows Ninjas to move from one level to the next (i.e. white level to yellow level). Ninjas must be invited to the Mission Ceremony by their coach, attend the ceremony, and pass the testing criteria with a 90% score or better in order to move to the next level. Mission Ceremonies are imperative for Ninjas to level up because it allows them to stand tall and prove themselves in front of their family and friends.

NinjaZone Uniform PackNINJA UNIFORM PACK

All Ninjas are required to wear their Ninja Uniform (level-specific headband and shirt) to each class. This is to not only promote a team and peer bond but also encourage self-responsibility, the last line of our mantra!