Meet five of our Camp Counselors from YMCA Camp Sargent. We are fortunate to have such dedicated and inspiring staff working with your campers, helping to make this the best summer ever!
Mikayla Breslin
3rd summer at Camp Sargent (And, she went to Camp Sargent as a camper!)
New England College, Psychology Major/Social Work Minor
The bond you create over the years is awesome. Some of the same kids come year-after-year and it’s great to watch them grow up. Our Camp Sargent staff is incredible. We are here for the kids. We don’t look at this as a summer job. We really love working with the children. As a counselor, I have room for creativity. This summer I’m running two specialty camps: Fancy Fairy Camp and Superheroes Camp. As the Fairy Counselor, I got to plan fun tea parties on Fridays, where the kids play dress-up and wear fancy gowns. Superhero campers made capes, masks and shields. They traveled around camp and found ‘villians’ and turned them into superheroes! If you enjoy working with children and want a positive work experience making a difference and creating a bond with others, working at camp is a great place to make that happen.
Katie Rosse
1st summer at Camp Sargent
Holy Cross College, Biology and Pre-Occupational Therapy Major
I’ve been working the first and second grade campers this summer. It’s been a super positive experience at camp! I worked with children through my church ministry and liked that before applying to being a camp counselor. The kids have been so fun. It’s great seeing kids get so excited and being challenged. After a year and a half of remote learning, kids are now in a group setting for a full day. It’s been hot and rainy this summer, but kids are having so much fun. They are growing and forming new relationships. Each week they meet new friends and by Friday, they have learned new skills and strengths.
Josh Ide
1st summer at Camp Sargent
Liberty University, Economics and Finance Major
I love getting to spend every day with kids and forming new relationships in the community. I get to make an impact. It’s very fulfilling, and isn’t just a job for me. It’s been great being outside all day with this classic summer camp vibe. I’m in control of what happens with my group of campers and want to be sure they have the best time they can have. I’ve been working this summer with kids entering second grade.
Ryan Delano
1st summer at Camp Sargent
Franklin Pierce College, Elementary Education Major
I could not be happier being here at camp. I love the funny stories kids share with me throughout the day. Being here working with the campers is so rewarding. I get a chance to help them grow into their potential. In two weeks we put together a production of Peter Pan. The kids learned the entire show, built set pieces, and made props. They performed for the full camp and then did another show for their families. We tied our themed Silly Science Week into the Olympics by building rubber band catapults, using chairs to launching marshmallows. The kids had a blast. Everyday I’m greeted by hundreds of kids excited to see us. We are excited to see them and what we will bring to their lives each week. My goal would be to finish college, teach 4th grade, and be a summer camp director!
Cassie Pyle
1st summer at Camp Sargent
University of Vermont, Nursing Major
I had never worked with children before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s been great. The campers remember you week-to-week. The biggest plus of working at Camp Sargent is realizing the impact you have on people and how they think about things. You can teach campers how to handle situations and how to work through challenges. Using the Gaga Pit as an example (a type of dodgeball), we can talk about how to be fair when playing the game, how to be a good sport. The campers look forward to earning core value beads (for displaying caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility) and look for moments to earn them. You can see them listening and it just clicks for them. When playing games, they learn about fairness. I enjoy working with campers of all ages and the LITs (Leaders-in-Training). You can make an impact as a counselor. My first week was working with first graders. I established a routine for them and they jumped right into it. I had a little boy who was struggling, the routine helped him. He calmed right down and had a much better times with his new friends.
We’re currently in search of camp counselors to fill out our ranks in the month of August. If you are interested in making a difference in a kids life this summer and are looking to create lifelong friendships yourself, check out the listings on our careers page and apply.