2016: A Year in Review

The 2016 Impact Report

The YMCA of Greater Nashua is 129-years-old and 129-years-strong. As our community has grown, so has our YMCA. We have been proud to help our neighbors learn, grow and thrive. We don’t just strengthen individuals, we strengthen entire communities.

Every day the YMCA gives our community the support it needs to learn, grow and thrive. From advocacy to aquatics, child care to camps, family fun to fitness, mentoring to multicultural experiences, sports to safe places, water safety to wellness, everything we do helps strengthen our community and the people who live here. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity dedicated to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Everyone is welcome; our goal is to not turn anyone away due to the inability to pay.

In these pages, we share stories of lives transformed through our Y. Together, we enrich youth development, improve healthy living and ignite social responsibility. For a better you. For a better community. For a better country. For a better us.

We thank our hardworking and dedicated volunteers and staff for finding innovative approaches to improve the health of our community, help children succeed and offer meaningful ways for our members and program participants to grow and serve others.

YMCA of Greater Nashua, Annual Report, 2016