AARON RUVINSKY IS 100: A Milestone Worth Celebrating
In 1924 Calvin Coolidge was president of the United States, only 20% of Americans owned a car, Macy’s held their first Thanksgiving Day parade and the YMCA of Greater Nashua opened Camp Sargent (more on that later). The average annual income was $2,196, a new house cost about $7,720, a gallon of milk was .54 cents and gas cost .11 cents per gallon…my how times have changed! 1924 was also the year that YMCA member, Aaron Ruvinksy, was born in New Jersey.
On January 22, 2024, Aaron Ruvinsky, celebrated his 100th birthday! The weekend prior to this amazing milestone his family threw a party to celebrate. Aaron is in many ways a person that evokes inspiration, he did not achieve this incredible accomplishment through luck, he achieved it through his admirable devotion to fitness, health, and life itself. Since Aaron’s early days he has abided by a healthy lifestyle, never indulging in smoking or drinking and has always stayed active and watched what he eats. In regards to activity, Aaron has played tennis and swam for essentially his entire life and he regularly eats salmon, tuna, and sardines which has also contributed to his longevity.
Aaron was born in New Jersey but raised in Brooklyn, and Queens, New York where he would spend most of his adolescence. After serving in the war, he studied at NYU and later moved to Washington D.C. where he worked at the newspaper, the Washington Star. About seven and a half years ago, Aaron’s wife passed away and Aaron moved to New Hampshire to live with his son and daughter in law, Marian. Marian shared that she and her husband had been Y members since 1992, and anytime Aaron came to visit them he would also visit the Merrimack Y, using the facility to get in his swimming. When he moved in with them permanently about five years ago he was thrilled to be able to continue to use the Y. Marian shared that when finances may have been restricted for the family Aaron always expressed it was important to keep their Y membership, even offering to pay the monthly fee himself.
It’s clear that Aaron has been surrounded by a wonderful family who continuously supports and spends time with him. Marian’s love for her father in law is so apparent sharing “He’s just a good guy”. She shared how Aaron entertains the family with stories of how he used to take the subway to Coney Island and go swimming. One such adventure resulted in Aaron coming to shore only to realize someone had taken all his belongings leaving him to call in reinforcements. In addition to the strong bond he has with his family, his relationship with Michael, his current caregiver, is something Aaron holds incredibly valuable as well. Every Thursday Michael picks up Aaron and brings him to visit Buckley’s for a sandwich and soon after travel to the Y to swim. Marian noted that in many instances people mistake Aaron and Michael as father and son. Whenever this is brought up Aaron never outwardly denies it, highlighting how much he cares for the relationship. At the Merrimack Y Aaron swims on average about 8 to 10 laps when he visits which has left his cardiologist baffled. Furthermore, Michael stated that he recently did 13 laps, an amazing feat for a Centenarian!
Marian noted that Aaron is so committed to the Y because of the four core values: Caring, Respect, Responsibility and Honesty. Values which Aaron himself strives to live by, values which it seems, have helped him to live such a long and meaningful life. Happy 100th birthday, Aaron!