Members Matter: Taking the Time to Help a Member in Need

An Act of Kindness that Speaks Volumes to Our Staff's Connection to Members

Dick Lane, Members Matter, YMCA of Greater NashuaMEMBERS MATTER: Taking the time to help a member in need

We hear a lot about customer service excellence and how important it is to a company’s success. Here at the Y, many of our staff exhibit excellent member service and today’s Wednesday’s Wonder is dedicated on an act of kindness that speaks volumes to our staff’s connection to the members.

Dick Lane of the Merrimack Welcome Center frequently has conversations with members that go beyond a friendly ‘good morning’ or ‘have a good afternoon.’ Dick joined the team nearly 5-and-a-half years ago, and he’s been a welcoming presence, both to staff and members.  A few weeks ago, he learned that one of our senior members was having difficulty getting to the Y.

Jackie Hancock, Membership Director at the Merrimack Branch, shared this thoughtful plan to keep one member connected to the Y. “One of our regular swimmers has recently suffered some health problems and his ability to come the Y has been greatly impacted. One of the limitations he and his wife experience is the inability to drive themselves to and from the Y. The member shared this with Dick and expressed how difficult it was for him to coordinate swim times and cab times and how much he loved coming to the Y. Upon learning this Dick took it upon himself to go above and beyond; Dick created and shared an entire schedule for him, beginning with calling the cab company 48 hours in advance, alerting the Welcome Center when the member would calling to make the swim reservations, outlining the time he should be out of the pool to change and when the cab company would be back to pick him up.

Thanks to Dick, this senior member can now follow this schedule, come to the Y and his life is just a little bit easier. This is a copy of Dick’s email to him. Dick doesn’t know I’m sharing this yet but I couldn’t help myself! This is why the Y is such a special place. Our team connects with the members each day and truly strives to make a difference. Dick is a wonderful team member, and he’s one of many staff people who take the time to learn about our members’ needs,” Jackie said. Kindness matters and it’s on display at your YMCA daily.



Hi (member name),

Swim for Monday. Open swim no registration needed Time is 10:05 to 12:45.

Call cab pickup at your house at 10:30 am

Arrive at Y – 11:00 am

Swim – 11:15 to 12:00

Change – 12:00 to 12:20

Cab pickup at Y – 12:30

Back home – 1:00


Swim for Tuesday. Registration 12:00 to 12:45

Call on Sunday at noon – 12:00 to make a registration. If you get a registration call cab.

Call cab pickup at your house – 1:15

Arrive at Y – 11:45

Swim – 12:00 to 12:45

Change – 12:45 to 1:05

Cab pickup at Y – 1:15

Back home – 1:45



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