What job(s) have you held at the YMCA?
I started at the Y as a volunteer close to 20 years ago, leading group exercise classes, such as aerobics and step aerobics. I now teach Zumba and Zumba Toning classes.
What’s your favorite grade in school and why?
I guess I’d pick my senior year in high school. I felt independent, strong and confident. I had found something that I really loved in computer programming. I was excited about going to college. I grew up in a small town in Connecticut and I was looking forward to getting out and experiencing what life had to offer. At the same time, there was a great comradery with my graduating class. We all knew each other, and we, for the most part, respected each other and kept pushing each other to be better. I recently attended my class reunion and it was amazing how that attitude hasn’t changed.
Where can we find you when you’re not at the Y?
Other than my “other” job as a software engineer, I’d be hiking with my husband or working in the garden or making fudge at the candy store. (We own a franchise in the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua). We like to get out and try different things when the opportunity arises. We recently did a helicopter tour of the coast of NH and Maine, then hopped on a boat to tour the Isle of Shoals. That was just awesome. When I can really devote time to a project, I’ll be in my studio doing a colored pencil drawing or creating stained glass artwork.
Do you have any pets?
Right now, I have a cat, Pablo Picasso. He is an incredible hunter and prefers to bring his captives in alive. I then must scramble to get the creature away from him, so I can let it go. Last time it was a flying squirrel! We usually have a German Shepherd Dog as a part of our family as well, but we recently lost our Maya. ☹ Having a dog is what gets us out onto the trails year-round so definitely looking to have another soon.
What’s your favorite sport to play? Favorite spectator sport?
I’ve always enjoyed volleyball, on the beach or in the gym. I like it because you are constantly in motion, much like Zumba or aerobics.
I am not a big spectator of sports, but I enjoy a good football game on occasion or if the Patriots are in the play-offs (or Super Bowl). I love the excitement of the crowd and the continuous activity on the field.
Do you have a hobby? If yes, what is it?
That would be my art work. I draw our Christmas card every year. Most times, it is something out of nature. I love colored pencils and the kind of texture and color that the medium provides, especially when drawing feathers or fur or fine details.
I’ve done quite a few stained-glass pieces as well. There is just something magical when you get all those pieces together and hang them in a window, it just comes to life!
What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas has got to be my all-time favorite. Spending relaxed time with family is the best. Especially so this year as both my children relocated far away this summer. This will be the first opportunity to see them together again in a while.
My favorite Christmas activity is opening the stockings. We tend to be a bit creative with what makes a great stocking stuffer. The smells are fantastic: the balsam and pine, apple cider mulling, cookies baking, turkey roasting (on the grill is best!), there is such a sensory overload that can’t be matched.
If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
Wow, this is probably the hardest question. I love being near the ocean, I spent most of my summers as a kid in Amagansett NY and have many fond memories of the beaches we visited. I love hiking the mountains to reach that peak or come across a deer or rabbit or a cool mushroom formation that excites me. But I love the city as well, the plethora of restaurants, museums, art galleries and diversity would easily make me happy. It certainly describes New England, doesn’t it?